Wildlife Invasion: Signs That You Have a Wildlife Infestation

As nature and urban areas continue to coexist, it is not uncommon for wildlife to encroach upon our homes and properties. While some encounters with wildlife may be harmless, others can pose significant risks to our health and safety.

In this blog post, we will discuss the signs that indicate a wildlife infestation and provide valuable tips to help you address these common issues. Universal Pest Control is here to assist you in effectively dealing with wildlife invasions, ensuring the comfort and safety of your home in Union County, NJ.

The signs of a wildlife infestation include:

Damaged or Disturbed Property

One of the first signs of a wildlife infestation is noticeable damage to your property. From chewed wires and gnawed insulation to torn shingles and scratched surfaces, these physical signs can indicate the presence of wildlife such as rodents, raccoons, or squirrels. Inspect your home regularly for any signs of property damage.

Unusual Noises

Strange noises coming from your attic, walls, or crawl spaces can be a clear indication of a wildlife infestation. Scratching, scurrying, chirping, or even thumping sounds can suggest the presence of animals seeking shelter in your home. Pay attention to these noises, especially during the night, as many wildlife species are nocturnal.

Foul Odors

Foul odors emanating from specific areas of your home can be a sign of a wildlife infestation. The strong smell of urine or feces may indicate the presence of rodents, while a musky or pungent odor could suggest the presence of larger animals like raccoons. If you notice persistent odors, it is crucial to address the issue promptly.

Tracks and Droppings

Wildlife infestations often leave behind tracks and droppings. These can serve as valuable clues to identify the type of animal invading your property.

Rodents typically leave small droppings resembling grains of rice, while larger animals like raccoons leave larger droppings with distinct features. Take note of any tracks or droppings you come across and consult a professional for proper identification.

Nests or Burrows

The discovery of nests or burrows in and around your property is a clear sign of a wildlife invasion. Animals like squirrels, raccoons, or opossums often create nests in attics, chimneys, or crawl spaces to raise their young. Identifying these nests or burrows can help pinpoint the areas most affected by the infestation.

Addressing a Wildlife Infestation

If you suspect a wildlife infestation in your home, it is essential to take immediate action to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your family.

Here are some steps you can take:

Consult a Professional

Contacting a professional pest control service like Universal Pest Control is crucial for a thorough assessment and effective removal of wildlife. Their experienced technicians can identify the type of infestation, locate entry points, and provide tailored solutions to resolve the issue.

Seal Entry Points

Prevent future wildlife invasions by sealing any potential entry points. Inspect your home for gaps, cracks, or holes in the foundation, walls, and roof. Use materials like steel wool or caulk to seal these openings, denying wildlife access to your property.

Remove Attractants

Eliminate food and water sources that may attract wildlife. Secure trash cans, remove fallen fruits or bird feeders, and keep pet food indoors. By removing these attractants, you can reduce the likelihood of future infestations.

Contact Universal Pest Control Today

Identifying the signs of a wildlife infestation is crucial for prompt action and effective resolution. Remember, addressing the issue promptly not only protects your property but also ensures the well-being of your family.

If you suspect a wildlife invasion, contact Universal Pest Control for professional assistance.